How to Setup Outlook 2003 Tanzania

Note: Outlook 2010 is exactly the same as other versions of Outlook, but finding the settings is slightly different. Just go to File > Info > Account Settings. Next, under the Email tab, you can choose New or Change.
Before starting:
Make sure your domain name loads. If it doesn't load your your email account wont work.
  1. Make sure you have setup your email accounts at .

You are now ready to begin setting up your email accounts.

1. Open Outlook 2003
2. Select Tools > E-mail Accounts.

3. On the E-mail Accounts wizard window, select "Add a new e-mail account" and click Next.

4. For your server type, select "POP3" and click Next.

5. On the Internet E-mail Settings (POP3) window, enter your information as follows:
Your Name
Enter your first and last name.

E-mail Address
Enter your e-mail address.

User Name
Enter your e-mail address, again

Enter the password you set up for your e-mail account.

Incoming Mail Server (POP3)
Enter for your incoming mail server.

Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP)
Enter for your incoming mail server.

6. On the Internet E-mail Settings window, select the "Outgoing Server" tab.

7. Select "My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication."

8. Select the "Advanced" tab and change the "Outgoing server (SMTP)" port to 25 or 26.


9.Click Next.

10. Click Finish.

Email Ports

  Incoming Ports  
  POP3 110
  POP3 - SSL 995
  IMAP 143
  IMAP - SSL 993
Outgoing Ports
  SMTP 25
  SMTP Alternate 26
  SMTP Alternate 587
  SMTP - SSL 465
  • 8 Users Found This Useful
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